How To Sell Domain Names Quickly (For Profit) On SEDO, Flippa

How To Sell Domain Names Quickly (For Profit) On SEDO, Flippa
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How To Sell Domain Names Quickly (For-Profit) On SEDO, Flippa: So first what is DNS?. So let’s say that you have launched your first web server and you want to serve a website using this server. Your server that is connected to the internet will have an IP address. Let’s say it is the IP address is what is used for any type of client whether it is. You know humans laptops web browser or another server somewhere on the internet it is going to use the IP address to actually connect and talk to this webserver however humans don’t really like numbers they prefer names easier to memorise easier to type in and so let’s say that you want to serve a website that has human-readable address.How To Sell Domain Names Quickly (For Profit) On SEDO, Flippa

How To Sell Domain Names Quickly (For-Profit) On SEDO, Flippa

Let’s call it WWE Well, you need something to translate WWE into an IP address so that the browser or another client in the connectivity that is where DNS comes into the picture let us say that you are hosting your website your web server in AWS has gotten an ec2 instance and it’s got an IP address. Now you have a user with a computer and they want to go to WWE It needs to be some type of lookup here so enter DNS. DNS is a phonebook for the internet it changes names into IP Addresses so computers can talk to each other.

DNS is not just one server it is not just one system it is a very large distributed system a server is all across the internet belonging to different entities they all talk to each other and there’s no single source of truth.

All of this lookup information this phonebook is actually a very distributed system and anyone server only knows a little piece it only knows kind of what it is responsible for and then it knows pointers to other parts of the system which are responsible for other bits so this domain name is actually going to get broken up into pieces of that domain name are known about by different parts of the DNS system. So, first, you are the client is going to talk to a DNS server nearby.

A special server called a resolver and that resolver is typically run by that user’s internet service so when you sign up for any internet service automatically you will be configured to use the nearest resolver and the job of the resolver is to take queries so, for example, where is and translated that into answers and the resolver does all the legwork of looking up different parts of that name to get a complete answer and then returns that to the client so the first thing it does is ask the root name server.

The root name server is a set of name servers only know about the last part of that domain name. So, .com, .net. org. .uk and so on and it will return a pointer to the next part of the chain so the root name server will get asked whereas wwm will calm and it will reply I don’t know about WWE but I do know about .com that is my job and so what it returns is a reference to another name server and this other name server then goes about .com.

So, the resolver takes that bit of information and then asks the same questions to the name server where is The name server for .com does not know about but it does know about So, what returns a response saying I know who knows about what you are looking for its route 53. So, go ask route 53 who is the name server for

Okay, wait a second, how does the name server for .com know that route 53 is the DNS provider for well actually if you register that domain name you told .com about your DNS provider it may have happened without you knowing about it but when you register a domain name, one of the most important things your registrar does is update that name server for the top-level domain so calm it is a .com domain name with information about who your DNS provider is you can change that information.

If you want to switch DNS providers at some point so, now the DNS resolver has information about route 53 knowing about this domain name so it asks the same questions rep 53 is whereas a route 53 knows it gives back an IP address since is that the following IP address. Now, how does route 53 know well, when you chose route 53 as your DNS provider, you create something inside of route 53 a resource called a hosted zone.

A hosted zone is like it containers for all of the individual records or entries for things in that domain name and so on and you create these individual DNS records inside that hosted zone something another resolver a complete answer says back to the client and says here is the IP address the client then uses that IP address to connect over HTTP or whatever appropriate protocol to your server and you have a successful web transaction. Now all of this happens behind the scenes for basically any type of website lookup.

We are any client to server communication across the internet just generally a DNS lookup followed by the actual connection to the server that you want to talk to this all happens generally without the user’s knowledge web browser, in this case, is what is doing all of this these transactions. So, that is DNS in the nutshell you can run your DNS server. Many people od it, however, a managed service like route 53 provides several key advantages first route 53 does not just out of one location or one server.

We have an anycast network which means that we have over 50 locations around the world generally going to be some very close to your end-users which provide a high degree of redundancy and also provides higher performance because of those DNS queries don’t have to go halfway around the world to be answered.

They will be answered by a location that is quite close to you end-user because we have redundant locations as well as many other layers of redundancy we are able to provide a hundred per cent SLA on returning answers to DNS queries which is obviously very important because you need that DNS lookup to succeed in order for someone to reach your website you can also do some advanced routing using Dee.

For example based on the end-users location you can give them a different IP address so you can route an end-user to a location if you are running in multiple regions you could rob that user to a region that is closest to them, for example, you can also have rap 53 monitor each of your locations through each of your servers and it one of those servers were to go down or become unreachable.

Route 53 can automatically respond by giving up a different IP address of backup location so you can route your users around failed locations route 53 provides some integrations with AWS services that make it easier to route traffic to things like elastic load balancing CloudFront distribution that’s through a website elastic beanstalk environments as well. Lastly, it is easy to manage, you can use the web console but there also full support of managing anything interrupt 43 via the API command-line tools SDKs as well as a robust set of third-party tools.

So, now let’s look at the steps involved in creating and setting up DNS for your first website or web application so here’s a diagram we are gonna do four steps. First, you need a domain name so we will register a domain name. Next, and roughly freeze DNS interface you are going to create something called a hosted zone in that hosted zone you are going to create several DNS records that will point traffic to specific IP addresses or specific resources in AWS and then lastly we will connect the domain name to the hosted zone.

This is a very important step called delegation where you update your registrar with the correct name servers for your route 53 hosted zone. This is what connected everything it makes everything work the first step gonna be registering a domain name now route 53 actually provides that the main name registrar within the roughly three consoles and API so you can register a new domain names directly and run 53 we will show a brief overview of how to do that you can also register a domain name somewhere else there’s well known registrar’s that you use and you can then connect those throughout 53 will show both techniques.

So, first this is the route 53 management console you log in go to route 53 and one of the things you see right there on the front page is a search box just like at any other registrar where you can search for domain names so here we will search for the real in the real world is taken but for the sake of this presentation, we will assume that it is available so we will buy the domain name and to your shopping cart.

You can register for multiple years at the ten years will also automatically renew enter your contact information for the registration you can hide most of your contact details for most top-level domains which help eliminate spam against your contact info and you complete the purchase and then we are done when you have registered a new domain name in route 53 will automatically create the matching hosted zone for you and do that delegation piece so you don’t have to worry about.

However if you register a domain name through an existing or other registrar or let’s say you already own a domain name through some other registrar you are going to have to eventually update some information at the other registrar specifically that is something called named service so if you have already registered domain name with a different registrar you are not yet using route 53 chances are that you are getting free DNS service from that registrar so here you will see this is just other registrar’s web console you will see some listings under name servers we will come back to this in a bit and we are going to actually update this section with your route 53 name service.

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