7 Keys on How to Optimise an Infographic for SEO

7 Keys on How to Optimise an Infographic for SEO

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Infographics are one of the kings of the online universe because of their visual potential, the condensation of quality information, their contribution of value and their capacity to become viral. But how to optimize them for SEO?


SEO is the magic wand that allows blogs, brands, companies and projects to appear as high as possible in the Google search engine. However, far from being a single form, the positioning strategy requires to put into practice a broad set of techniques that go through the design, content, get inbound links or the current importance is to put the focus on mobile search, searches by voice or the local SEO.

Optimise an Infographic for SEO

Infographics have been revealed as a powerful tool to improve the SEO of any project, but beware, not at any price nor automatically, but it is necessary to optimize them adequately, as well as work the positioning of the pages in which they are housed. To show their success, according to Hubspot data, 39% of B2B buyers said they frequently share infographics on social networks. The first step to optimize an infographic is to ensure that the content is compatible with a single keyword, either short or long tail.

7 keys to optimising an infographic for SEO

Get to work with the URL!

The keywords related to the infographic should be inserted into the slug of the URL, which you must modify before publishing the article or page of the infographic.

Title and meta description

As in a normal text-based article, the title and meta description are two elements that you must complete by working on SEO, including keywords, synonyms and the like. Another element that you can use are the headers.

Alternative text of the image

Although the search engines of Google cannot track for SEO of the content itself if it uses the alternative text or ALT attribute that we use to label them. This HTML code will serve to explain precisely to the engines the content included in an image. For example, if you design an infographic about the best restaurants in Hyderabad, you can probably label it as “The best restaurant infographic in Hyderabad”.

Long text as an accompaniment

If the article that accompanies or explains the information of the infographic is original, extensive, structured and enriched, Google will value it. If it exceeds 1,000 words, much better.

Adequate load speed

It is one of the most important SEO factors, as we explained in previous SEO articles. You must work it to take less than three seconds, evaluating the average time through this Google tool, along with others such as GTMetrix. To accelerate the speed it is essential to have a responsive design, make permanent updates, have a light template, opt for a quality hosting, clean the code and delete plugins that are not used.

Reduce bounce rate

Similar to page load times, Google’s top priority is to provide content that is valuable to search engines. If the bounce rate is very high, Google understands that people are not interested in the content of the publication. What to do to reduce the bounce rate? Having several sections, improving the design, checking the tracking code, working on the marketing or monitoring the results to implement changes are some solutions.

Buttons to share in social networks

You can not forget, to promote interaction, achieve quality inbound links, increase traffic and viral your content, including social buttons, as well as use web analytics to improve.

That is it! These are the best tips to optimise an infographic for SEO. I hope this article will help you to improve your SEO for infographics. If you have any other queries, let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to you to solve all your questions as soon as possible.