Social Media Images Measurement Guide

Social Media Images Measurement Guide

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The images we share in social networks play a very vital role. As there is a saying, a picture speaks thousands of words, the visual representation always attracts and captures the attention of your followers.

Social Media Images Measurement Guide

There are a number of social networks and many different sizes say profile picture, cover picture, status image, etc that you must learn to upload images with the right size.

For this reason, we have created this guide of measurements of images in social networks, so that you can always share your images with perfect sizes in all the networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Plus and Pinterest.


Measurements of Images of Social Networks

Below you will find all the sizes of the main social networks, and at the end, you have an infographic that includes all these measures.

Measurements of Images of Facebook

Facebook is an excellent social network, where most of the users of social networks are. If we add to that that the most shared contents contain images, you can get an idea of how important it is to have all these measures at hand.


facebook-sharing-image-post-sizeProfile picture

The appropriate size is 180 x 180 pixels, taking into account that in mobile it will be shown in 32 x 32 pixels and in a computer, it shows in 160 x 160 pixels.

Cover photo

This image at least must have 399 pixels high and 150 pixels wide, but if we want to upload it with the ideal dimension, the image should be 851 x 315 pixels, in the mobile it is seen in 340 x 160 pixels.

For this image to load quickly, it is best to have the JPG format.

Shared images

The recommended measure is 1200 x 628 pixels, although in the timeline it will be scaled to 470 pixels wide.

The square images have a dimension of 600 x 600 pixels.

Featured images

The highlighted images are a little bit larger than the shared images, their dimensions being 1200 x 717 pixels.

Images for shared links

The recommended size is 1200 x 628 pixels.

Group header

The allowed dimension of this header is 820 x 250 pixels.

Event header

The allowed size for events is 500 x 262 pixels.

Images for the ads

Clicks on the website

Images of 1200 x 628 pixels are allowed, taking into account that no more than 20% of the text is allowed in the image. At most, you can accompany the image with a title of up to 25 characters and a text of 90.

Conversions to the website

The recommended size is 1200 x 628 pixels, including little text in it. As in the previous image, the title of the image should not exceed 25 characters and the text, 90.

Interactions with a publication

The recommended dimension is 1200 x 900 pixels, inserting little text in it, although if it is shown in the column on the right, it will appear with a size of 254 x 133 pixels. At most, you can include 90 characters of text.

I like the page

The suggested size of this image should be 1200 x 444 pixels, introducing little text in it. In this case we also have a limit of 25 characters in the title and 90 in the text.

Downloading applications

The recommended size is 1200 x 628 pixels, with no more than 20% text in the image. At most, you can include 90 characters of text.

Interaction with applications

The suggested magnitude of this image is 1200 x 628 pixels, including little text in it and adding, at most, 90 characters of text.

Answers to an event

The advised dimension is 1200 x 628 pixels, containing little text in it. At most, you can include 25 characters for the title and 90 for the text.

Description of news

The recommended measure is 1200 x 628 pixels, inserting little text in it. At most, you can use 25 characters for the title, 90 for the text and 30 for the news section.

Request for offers

The recommended size is 1200 x 628 pixels, not including much text in it. At most, you can add a text of up to 90 characters and a title of up to 25.

Video views

The suggested dimension is 1200 x 675 pixels, containing little text in the image. At most, you can include a text that does not exceed 90 characters.

Generate Leads

The recommended measure is 1200 x 628 pixels, with little text in the image. At most, you can use 25 characters for the title, 90 for the text and 30 for the news section.

Instagram Images Dimensions 2018

In this social network, images are the protagonists and, therefore, sharing your image in the right size is paramount.

instagram-profile-pic-size instagram-sharing-post-image-size

Profile picture

The optimal size is 180 x 180 pixels and it is round, so it avoids the things that appear on the edges.

Square photo

The dimension to obtain the best resolution in your images is of 1080 x 1080 pixels, although they will appear scaled to 600 x 600 pixels.

Horizontal photo

The recommended measure for this case is 1080 x 566 pixels, although the feed appears square.

Vertical photo

The suggested size is 1080 x 1350 pixels, although the feed appears square.

Videos for the timeline

The suggested resolution is 600 x 600 pixels, with a duration of between 3 and 60 seconds.

Videos for Instagram Stories

The recommended resolution is 750 x 1334 pixels, with a duration of no more than 10 seconds.

Square ad photo

The suggested measure for a square Ad is 1080 x 1080 pixels. No more than 20% text is allowed in the image.

Ad horizontal photo

The recommended size for an ad with a horizontal image is 600 x 315 pixels. No more than 20% text is allowed in the image.

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Twitter Images Sizes 2018

In this social network, the content is short, but if you want to highlight and increase the visibility of your tweets among so many publications, adding a good image is the best way and provided it is in the right size and has good quality.


Profile picture

The recommended measurement is 400 x 400 pixels, although it must measure at least 200 x 200 pixels, and its weight must not exceed 2 MB.

Header photo

At least the image should be 1024 x 280 pixels and maximum of 2560 x 600 pixels, but the recommended size is 1500 x 500 pixels and should not weigh more than 5 MB.

A photo in a tweet

The suggested dimension is 1024 x 512 pixels and its weight must be less than 3 MB in the case of GIFs and 5 MB in the case of JPGs or PNGs.

Several photos in a tweet

The minimum size is 600 x 335 pixels, but it is better to make the image somewhat larger so that it can be enlarged by clicking on it.

The photo in the previous image of the tweet

The recommended measurement is 440 x 220 pixels.

Image of a Twitter Card

Website Card

The suggested size is 800 x 320 pixels and its weight must be less than 3 MB.

Lead Generation Card

The maximum should weigh 3 MB and its ideal dimensions are 800 x 200 pixels.

Basic App Card

The size of the custom icon image must be 144 x 144 pixels.

Image App Card

It should not weigh more than 3 MB and the advised size is 800 x 320 pixels.

Summary Card with large image

The recommended dimension is 280 x 150 pixels without exceeding 1 MB in weight.

On Twitter you can share images in PNG and JPG format in all cases and, in GIF format, in profile photos and tweets.

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LinkedIn Images Sizes

It is the professional social network for excellence, in which it is considered to be very important to take care of the image in order to have a good professional profile and stand out from other profiles. This social network will allow you to connect with companies and professionals in your sector, so if you do not give a good first image you can lose a job opportunity.

linkedin-cover-pic-profile-pic-sizes linkedin-post-sharing-size

Profile picture

The size is between 400 x 400 pixels and 20,000 x 20,000 pixels, always taking into account that the image will appear round and without exceeding 8 MB in weight. The image can be in PNG, JPG or GIF format.

Cover photo

The recommended size is 1584 x 396 pixels, with a maximum weight of 8 MB and in PNG, JPG or GIF format.

Publication photo

The recommended dimension is 520 x 320 pixels.

Article photo

In this case, the suggested size is 520 x 272 pixels.

Logo for the pages

The recommended size is 130 x 130 pixels, but its minimum is 96 x 96 pixels, as long as it does not exceed 4 MB in weight and has a PNG or JPG format.

Header for the pages

The suggested size is 1536 x 768 pixels.

YouTube Header, Profile, Video, and more Images Sizes

Although it is a social network of videos, the images are also important, since it is what will draw the attention of your followers in the first place, making the user visualise or not is depends on your videos and decides whether or not to subscribe to your channel.


Canal photo

At least it should be 120 x 120 pixels, but it is recommended that it be 250 x 250 pixels, although you can upload it in 1000 x 1000 pixels to improve the resolution. The format of the image must be PNG, JPG or GIF.

Photo of the header of the channel

The recommended size is 2560 x 1440 pixels but you can upload images of at least 2048 x 1152 pixels as long as they weigh no more than 2 MB.

Image of the videos (thumbnail)

The recommended size is 1280 x 720 pixels and the format, PNG or JPG.

Uploaded video

The minimum dimensions are 1280 x 720 pixels, but it is recommended that you have 1280 x 760 pixels, and a maximum weight of 128 GB.

Vimeo social network Image measurements

This social network is also related to videos, but, as in the case of YouTube, it is important that the images we share are optimised to get the attention of the user to visualise our videos and follow us.


Profile image

The recommended size for this image is 300 x 300 pixels.

Image of the videos

1080p HD

The optimal dimension for this video resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels.

720p HD

In this case, the recommended measure is 1280 x 720 pixels.

SD 16: 9

The suggested size for this video format is 640 x 360 pixels.

SD 4: 3

The recommended size is 640 x 480 pixels.

Google Plus Images Measurements

If you have presence on this website it is important that you take care of the images, especially in the case of the cover image, since each device is sized to a size different.



Profile picture

It is recommended to be 250 x 250 pixels but, at least, it must have 120 x 120 pixels and it is allowed to upload the image of 1000 x 1000 pixels to see the resolution better.

Cover photo

At least it should be 480 x 270 pixels and a maximum of 2120 x 1192 pixels, although it is recommended that it be 1080 x 608 pixels.

This image will be seen in different sizes depending on the device from which our users see it: on TV it will be 2560 x 1440 pixels, on a tablet, 1855 x 423 pixels and on computers, up to 2560 x 423 pixels.

Shared image

The recommended size is 497 x 279 pixels, but you can upload images with a maximum of 2048 x 2048 pixels.

Thumbnail of the shared image and with link

The recommended size is 150 x 150 pixels.

Pinterest Images Measurements

Pinterest is the social network of image boards. The impact of your image will make the user press or not to read your entire article, therefore, you must capture their attention with the perfect and quality images.


Profile image

The recommended dimension is 165 x 165 pixels, although you will only see these dimensions on the home page, the rest will be dimensioned at 32 x 32 pixels.

Image of the boards

The right size is 222 x 150 pixels.

Image of the pins

In this case, the width of the image will be displayed at 236 pixels, with the corresponding height according to the image. It is recommended that the image be 600 pixels wide.

Thumbnail of the pin on the plank

The size is 50 x 50 pixels.

The images can be in PNG or JPG format.


At this point we have been able to check the different sizes of images according to each social network and it is practically impossible to memorize them all, although it is possible to memorize the sizes of the images that we share more times.

Also, if you want to be a good Community Manager you must know the different sizes and apply them when creating the images of the different social networks that you manage.

In my opinion, the ideal thing is to create a template in the image editor that you use with the recommended measures so that when you want to share an image only you have to size it and share it instantly.

I hope that this guide of social network image measurements will be very useful to optimise your social profiles and increase your company or personal branding online.

If you have any queries regarding the social network images sizes, let us know them in the below comment section. We will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.

Which social network do you use more for personal or business company branding?