7 Best Twitter Engagements Tips To Keep Your Followers Engaged

7 Best Twitter Engagements Tips To Keep Your Followers Engaged

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Though Facebook is the #1 social media platform, Twitter is also an important tool for sharing content and building your own community.

7 Best Twitter Engagement Tips To Keep Your Followers Engaged

With over 321 million active users, Twitter is one of the most used platforms by businesses and marketers to promote their brands. It makes it easier to connect with like-minded people and build relationships to expand businesses online.

Building a social media presence is a time-consuming task, which is why you can also buy Twitter followers for a quick boost in your engagement. But having an organic audience has its benefits. You need to build an effective social media marketing strategy to keep your users engaged. If you do not know how to do it, we are going to give you the 7 best tips to increase engagement and Twitter views. So, stay tuned!

1. Engage with other users’ content

If you want users to get engaged with your content, interacting with their content first is a better way to start. Follow them on Twitter, like, respond, and retweet their content, showing them respect and honor.

When you engage with other users’ content, they will also be more likely to engage with yours, thus increasing your engagement. This point should be considered strongly as many brands don’t have the interest or time to do so, making your efforts more valuable.

This way of getting more engagement will also act as social proof that you care for your audience. This will help you build a relationship between your brand and the audience making you reap the benefits of Twitter marketing more efficiently.

2. Keep your Tweets brief

You must be thinking that Tweets are already short and we are telling you to keep them even shorter, right? Well, you should as it will bring you more engagement.

The original limit for tweets is 280 characters but you should try to keep it between 80 to 110 characters, including user tags and hashtags. According to data from multiple sites, these tweets get the most engagement, i.e., more likes, comments, and retweets compared to the lengthy ones.

Tweets ranging between 80 to 110 characters are easier to read and retweet. If your tweets are of complete 280 characters, users would need to cut short your content to add theirs, which is quite time-consuming. You should make their task convenient instead of increasing its complexity.

3. Share a Variety of Links

If you want to increase your website traffic, attaching a link to your tweets is a great idea. Well, as we said you should add a variety of links to your tweets, you may also include links to your best content, your other social media profiles, blogs, links of other users’ content, etc. Your Twitter account must not look like you are focusing on your brand and yourself only. Remember, to build a connection with your audience, your actions should express your emotions.

If you find an amazing piece of content off Twitter, share it in your tweets, tag the brand or user. This will make your profile more social and engaging. It also gives you a chance to get highlighted on others’ profiles too, which is a great way to attract traffic to your profile.

4. Post Content that Your Followers Enjoy the Most

If people aren’t interested or do not like your content, they will not spend time discussing it, hence decreasing your engagement rate. You must share content on your Twitter that resonates with the audience to get more Twitter likes, responses, clicks, and retweets.

The best way to know what content your followers like the most, is by taking a look at your Twitter analytics. It lists your top-performing tweets and you can post the future content revolving around them. Note down the ideas and themes that brought you the best results. You can also run a promotion to get more engagement on your most popular tweet.

5. Know Your Best Time to Post

Similar to Facebook, Twitter also has certain timings of the day or week when you have the chance of gaining the most reach on your posts. During that time, your followers are the most active and your posts have more chances of keeping them engaged.

As mentioned earlier, you can get all the information about your reach and engagement in Twitter analytics. Most of the businesses’ peak hours are during the day, so maybe yours are too.

Well, now another problem arises of posting on that particular time daily. Some days you can forget or do not feel like posting on Twitter. Here, the AI tools come to the rescue. There are several scheduling tools out there like HootSuite that make your social media management a whole lot easier. You can schedule your posts in advance and they will automatically get posted at that particular time without any delay.

6. Use Twitter Ads

If you are looking for a way to gain Twitter engagement quickly, then Twitter ads can help you do so. Though Twitter ads are paid, they can get more traffic to your profile and help you increase engagement whenever you need it. If you do not have a lot of followers that interact with your content, then you should probably give Twitter ads a try.

Twitter ads are relatively more expensive than Facebook but they have more click-through rates.

7. Always Use Hashtags

The trend of hashtags started from twitter and has become an important part of marketing on other social media platforms too. Hashtags not only attract a relevant audience but also increase your engagement.

Tweets including hashtags have 1065% more engagement than a similar tweet without hashtags, and those tweets are 33% more likely to get retweeted too. Well, it does not mean that you should stuff several hashtags in your tweets, even 1 can do wonders. It has been observed that tweets with one hashtag are 69% more likely to get retweeted compared to those with more.


Twitter is a great platform to start your social media marketing or including it in your strategy is a wonderful idea. As the number of users is comparatively less on Twitter, your content has more chances to be reached. Because the majority of marketers are busy using Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube, you have the chance to stand out by using Twitter for promoting your brand. These engagement tips are proven to give you success over time and more engagement.