How to Spot Fake Online Job Postings

How to Spot Fake Online Job Postings

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If you are looking for work, be very careful and pay attention to the characteristics of the offers, because they may be false and want to defraud you.


With the arrival of the new year, many people intend to make a change in their professional career in the month of January. Thus, according to a recent study in the United Kingdom, more than 30% of respondents claimed to be actively looking for a new job, and 11% indicated a major goal to find a new job in 2016.

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Criminals take advantage of this growing interest to scam people looking for jobs online, getting their personal and financial data or stealing money.

We can find an example of this type of fraud in a fake job offer that was published in the United States. The alleged recruiters asked the candidate to conduct the interview through Yahoo Messenger and required his bank account number with the excuse of providing a series of computer applications that he would need if he was hired. In reality, the company was fictitious and the job offer was fraudulent.

Facebook also detected another campaign similar to the one described above, but in this case, the cybercriminals asked the applicants to send a prepayment.

Keys to Spot Fake Online Job Postings

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To search for work online safely, follow the advice that we leave below and do not fall into the trap of cyber criminals:

  • Do not make payments. No real and reliable company asks you for money to hire you. If they want you to make a payment, be suspicious, it is very likely to be a scam.
  • Do not provide your bank details. When they do an interview, they do not need your financial information, they will ask you after signing the contract to address the payroll.
  • Use reliable job portals. If you suspect that an offer may be faulty, investigate a little more about the company and look for official referrals.

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  • Do not accept anyone on LinkedIn. False profiles in this social networking site have been increasing, seeking to steal user data.
  • Look at the details of the offer. It is important to pay attention to the contact details of the recruiters. For example, if they use free email services instead of corporate ones, or they only provide a mobile phone and not a landline.

Now you know all the keys to spotting fake online job posting. Protect yourself and do not fall into the trap of the scammers!

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I hope this article helps you to get awareness of the scammers who try to cheat and make money from innocent people. If you ever saw an incident like this, share them with our readers to create more awareness.
If you have any queries regarding online jobs or any part-time jobs, let us know in the below comment section. We will get back to you to solve all your questions as soon as possible.

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