11 Things That are Not Always Good to Share in Social Networks

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The first suggestion we usually give to children when they start connecting to the Internet and using social networks is that they go very carefully with the things they share online because you never know who can get that information. 

Pause: 11 Things You Should Not Always Share and Post in Social Networks

In fact, you may have seen one of those Facebook texts in which a teacher tries to raise awareness about the scope of his publications and asks all who read the text to leave a comment with his city.


The fact is that we advise children very well, but when it comes to truth, we ourselves often screw up those same recommendations, and happily sharing personal data, location, confidential work, compromising photos and more. That’s why it is not enough to give a review to those things you should never share in social networks (although in the end, as always, everything is your choice).

Things Should Not Share in Social Networks

Let us see those 11 things that are not always good to share in social networks.

1. That you go on vacation

This is the star tip of this time of year, which every year usually reminds us the National Police from their Twitter account. Avoid giving clues about vacation plans, especially the dates when your home is going to be empty. If you publish that information on social networks and you do not know who can read it, it could lead to inappropriate eyes, and you find your home looted on vacation.


2. Your email address

Unless you love spam, you should never post your email address on the Internet. For that, you can use a temporary email address, or create a second alternative account that you can use for these things and you do not mind that inevitably end up filling up with unsolicited emails.

3. Your phone number

As with e-mail, you should not publish your phone number on the Internet either: social networks, forums, or anything like that. If you are asked for a form, check that if it is really necessary, that the web has the HTTPS protocol and that they confirm that they protect your personal data. Leaving your personal number in unknown websites or to the public is always dangerous. Because there are many tools and apps which let people know all the information about you with just your mobile number. 

4. Your real address

This could be the most dangerous; If you would not give your real address to a stranger, why publish it on the Internet? This type of information should only be provided, such as the one above, on secure forms and in case it is absolutely necessary (for example, you are making an online purchase). Anything else is a risk to personal safety and privacy.

5. Your location

This point is related to the previous one, and at the same time can be a little controversial. Do you know the reason? There are many apps that precisely invite you to share your location, through Facebook itself or geolocated photos of Instagram.

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Personally, it’s a fact that I do not like to share publicly, but I can understand someone’s motives for doing so. Of course, you have to be aware that things like this can happen to you, unless, again, you thoroughly review the privacy options of the app in question.

6. Photos of minors

The most normal thing when you have a child is to flood social networks of photos of you, but there are two points that you should take into account. One, most of us do not care as much as you or your family; And two, have you stopped to think if your son when he has a reason, will he be happy that from the minute of your life you have shared all of it in social networks?

In France, not long ago, the police had to warn parents about the danger of sharing photos of their children on Facebook, not just thinking about paedophiles, but also the possible social and psychological consequences for the child in the long term.

The thing is even more serious if it is children who are not under your protection (the friends of your children, for example). In that case, you should always ask permission from their or your parents.

7. Work Complaints

We know it: Social networks are the perfect escape valve when you have a bad day at work. The temptation to vent with a post on Facebook or a series of tweets is very large, but the truth is that you should avoid it by all means.

You can never be sure that this complaint does not end up reaching the boss or colleague you criticize and may affect your career in the future. Remember that all recruiters now check the candidates social networking profiles before deciding on one.

8. Personal conversations

Here we will talk about the conversations that you maintain in applications like WhatsApp or Telegram, and also the personal emails. While strictly adhering to the Penal Code, sharing a WhatsApp conversation in which you have participated is not a crime, there have been cases in the past where people who have made these conversations publicly condemned.

In any case, whether or not it is a crime, publicly sharing information that someone has revealed to you with total confidence is morally reprehensible, something that should never reach social networks.

9. Photos of your friends

It’s great that you share photos of the dinners, parties or bike trips that you organize with your friends so that everyone can see them. But always make sure that they know you’re going to put them online, and that you do not mind going out on social networks. Even though they are not minors, as in the case with children before, it also has its own image rights.

10. Private Documents

At this point, we should all be very careful. There are the things that make publishing enthusiasm, such as your first work contract or your first payroll, or a new credit card personalized with your photo. But in all these documents there is confidential information, so either the covers with the finger to make the photo, or apply a blur effect.

Otherwise, it can happen to you like a victim, who published a document with her mobile number on Twitter and had to change her numbers in the face of harassing calls and messages. Another curious example of how careless it is people with these things is the Twitter account @NeedADebitCard, which collects photos of credit cards that many users post online.

11. Compromising photos

If before we said that it was not advisable to publish photos of your friends without commenting before, it is even less if those photos are compromising: drunkenness, parties a little past, funny situations for you but embarrassing for the rest, etc. It is not recommended to publish this Type of content, of your friends, or yours. But if you insist on doing so, at least make sure that inappropriate people will not see it. Keep proper security settings. 

These are the 11 things that are always not good to share on social networks. I hope this article will help you to choose which is right and which is wrong to share in social networks.
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Do you have any experiences of sharing personal information public in social networks? Then share it with our readers to create more awareness.