6 Tools to Boost Your Social Media Followers

6 Tools to Boost Your Social Media Followers

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Social media has changed dramatically over such a short period of time and growing a following now from scratch can prove a lot more challenging than ever before.

6 Tools to Boost Your Social Media Followers

These are platforms that can have a real impact on any modern-day business with 73% of marketers believing that social media marketing has a somewhat or significant effect on the business overall.

But growing a following is easier said than done, whether it’s starting from 0 or focusing more attention on your existing social media platforms. Luckily, there are a lot of helpful resources online and plenty of software/tools that can help give your following a boost.

Here are six tools to boost your social media followers this year.

1. Edit with Canva

Canva is a useful editing tool for both experienced designers and those with very little knowledge. It’s all accessible from a desktop online or you can download their app to edit on the go via your mobile phone or tablet device.

With this application, you can do everything from creating social media posts specific to the formats of the social media platform itself to presentations and marketing materials. Probably the major benefit from using a tool like this is that it’s free for the most part but for premium features, you’ll need to pay £99 per year.

Not every business has the available resources when it comes to the design team and neither do they have a lot of time to spare on Photoshop for hours on end. With Canva, it’s a tool that can provide the content you need quickly and easily.

Canva is very easy to use and is one that’s versatile for everyone, no matter what their experience in design may be. The tool also has a wealth of information that provides everything you need to know in order to use it efficiently.

2. Use Happyscribe for Generating Subtitles

Happyscribe is a useful tool for those who need to generate subtitles for video content and this is often beneficial to do in order to cater to an audience that’s on a global scale.

A recent study mentioned on Lemon Light found that there was a 40% increase in views of captioned videos versus uncaptioned. It seems that many individuals and businesses, in general, are noticing the need and benefit to captioning video content online.

With platforms like YouTube offering the ability to add in subtitles, it makes sense to use a tool like Happyscribe to automatically generate subtitles. If you’ve got audiences in different territories from Germany to India for example, you can make the video content inclusive to them with subtitles. It means you’re able to include all of your demographics regardless of their native language.

Using Happyscribe could be the difference in driving those extra sales on a global scale. Again, this tool is very easy to use and can be much more cost-effective to have it automated rather than getting a human to do it.

3. Hootsuite to Create and Schedule Content

One of the biggest contributions to potentially boosting a social media following is the amount of content you’re posting, the consistency of posting, and how much quality is produced.

With the average user spending around two hours and 25 minutes per day on social media, it’s critical for a business to be active in its social media promotion. However, to stay consistent and provide great quality to your existing followers, can be difficult manually.

However, there are many platforms and tools to use to automate and schedule content online. Hootsuite is one of the original and possibly one of the most popular tools for scheduling social media promotion.

The tool allows you to monitor and publish content via most of the social media platforms available including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Having all of the platforms via one dashboard, it can make managing it all a lot easier.

There are other features that come from using Hootsuite, which include the following.

Respond to Followers

With the content out there along with using a Pinterest Video Downloader, you’ll hopefully receive plenty of engagement and interaction. It’s just as important to communicate with your followers as it is to post content consistently.

By interacting with your followers, you’re helping to improve your relationships and develop that loyalty that you want with a social media following.

Promote and Manage Paid Ads

Promoting and managing paid advertisements can be beneficial to know what’s working and what isn’t. A mixture of organic and paid advertising is needed to reach all of your target audience. Both complement one another and with Hootsuite, it’s a great way of managing both effectively.

Analyze Social Media Content

When you hit the publish button, your work doesn’t stop there. In order to grow your social media following, it’s important to analyze your efforts. Every piece of content may perform differently from the next.

By analyzing the content you publish, you can find what elements or approaches are working better to gain followers. At the end of the day, you want to create content that your followers and target audience will want to see and engage in.

4. Tailwind for Pinterest and Instagram

For more niche social media platforms like Pinterest for example, you may find Tailwind to be a useful tool. This is one of the few that caters specifically to Pinterest and more recently, Instagram.

The tool works to automate pins on Pinterest and sharing Instagram grid posts on Pinterest. As a platform, Pinterest is one that is perhaps the most underestimated. The platform has a staggering 459 million monthly active users. This is a number that is worth taking advantage of because the social media site acts a lot like a search engine.

Pinterest also has a great business section that’s dedicated to helping businesses grow through the platform.

Tailwind is another one that’s easy to use and can help find the best times for the user to post a pin in order to maximize the reach and engagement it will get. It’s one platform that should certainly not be missed when trying to grow your social media following.

5. Asana for Managing Teams and Keeping Organized

For many businesses, it’s common for many individuals to be working on marketing and social media promotion. There’s also outsourcing these social media needs to agencies and marketing companies if the resources aren’t available in-house.

With that being said, where it’s applicable, Asana is a great tool for staying organized.

Although Asana is often used for team management and collaboration in general, it can be a useful one for keeping everything organized when scheduling social media and content for the month ahead.

Staying organized is going to help manage the mammoth amounts of the social media marketing that are needed for the average business. It can often be overwhelming to manage it all without the tools, especially for small businesses and start-ups with limited funds and resources.

At the same time though, it can be great for all businesses to have a bit more structure in their work processes and Asana can provide that. Some of Asana’s features include:

  • Create timelines and various segments to manage different teams.
  • Integrate other apps to help manage everything more efficiently.
  • Get real-time reporting to monitor workloads and employee performance.
  • Manage the tool both via desktop and mobile application.

6. Take Advantage of Influencers for Promotions

In recent years, the rise of the influencer has changed the landscape of marketing and social media as we know it. Many businesses are using influencers for promotion on social media, whether that be through YouTube, Twitter, Tiktok, or Instagram to name but a few. Although they’re not a physical tool, their social media platforms are tools that you can benefit from.

With 86% of women using social media for purchasing advice, there are many statistics like this that show the influence that some social media influencers can have. It’s important to be wary of who you pick when working with influencers because not every influencer is going to be the right match for your business or individual needs.

It’s worth assessing the influencer’s statistics and particularly that of their audience type. If they have the target audience you’re after, then they’re likely going to be a good match. Remember to also look at their engagement because they could have your target audience but they don’t engage in the content the influencer posts.

The future of social media influencers shows very little sign of disappearing, so it’s something that’s worth incorporating into your budgets.

Growing your social media following can take time and it’s only the fair few that have viral content that rockets their growth overnight. By utilizing the tips mentioned above, you’ll likely see a positive impact on your following because of it. Trust the process and don’t forget to engage with your current following so that they are your core engagement.

The more engagement you have, the more these platforms’ algorithms will work in your favor as a business or individual building their profile.

Author Bio: Natalie Redman

Email – [email protected]

Freelance writer for many clients including Skale, Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience copywriting web pages for businesses across many industries. She’s also an owner of two blog websites and a Youtube content creator.