Boost Revenue with Google AdSense’s 3 Native Ad Categories

Boost Revenue with Google AdSense’s 3 Native Ad Categories

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Google Adsense incredible Update: During yesterday, Google AdSense introduced Native ads, a suite of ad formats designed to match the look and feel of your site, providing a great user experience for our website visitors.

We can say that this is a good update from the Google AdSense team. There are a few interesting points in this update that everyone must know and implement on their website.


Google AdSense introduced Native Ads

In this update, Native Ads come in three categories. They are as follows:

  1. In-feed
  2. In-article
  3. Matched content

These three ad categories can be used all at once or we can use them individually.

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Reasons to introduce these Native Ads

These Ad categories are designed for these reasons.

  • A Great User Experience

These Ad categories fit naturally on your site and they use high-quality advertiser elements such as high-resolution clear images, long titles, and descriptions to attract your website visitors with a great attractive experience. 

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  • A Great Look and Feel across different Screen Sizes

These native ads are built to look great on any device such as Mobile, Desktop, and Tablet. These ads are very well-optimized than any other ads.

  • Ease of use

Native ads are very easy to use. Easy-to-use editing tools will help us to make the ads look great on our website or blog.

1. In-Feed Ad Category


Native In-feed opens up new revenue opportunities in your feeds. These ads are available to all publishers. In-feed ads slot are placed neatly inside your feeds. These ads are highly customizable to match the look and feel of your feed content and offer new places to display ads.

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2. In-Article Ad Category


Native In-article offers a better advertising experience. Native In-article ads are also available to all AdSense publishers. In-article ads are optimized by Google to help you to put great-looking ads between the paragraphs of your pages or articles. In-article ads use high-quality advertising elements and offer a great reading experience to your visitors.

Benefits of In-Article Ads:

  • In-article ads are better for user experience.
  • These ads are ideal for mobile.
  • These are Google optimized.

3. Matched content


Matched Content* drives more users to your content. Matched content ads are available to Google AdSense publishers that meet the eligibility criteria. Matched content is a content recommendation tool that helps you to promote your content to visitors and potentially increases the revenue, page views, and time spent on your website or blog. AdSense publishers who are eligible for the “Allow Ads” feature can also show relevant ads within their matched content units. This leads to the creation of additional revenue opportunities in this placement.

Website Places where Native Ads should be used

As I already discussed at the start of this article, AdSense native ads can be placed all together or separately. It is your wish to customize your website with a Native ad experience.

  • In-feed: Use In-feed ads inside your feed. For example, a list of articles or products.
  • In-article: Use In-article ads between the paragraphs of your pages or articles.
  • Matched Content: Display Matched content ads directly below your articles.

When deciding your native ad strategy, keep the content’s best practices in mind.

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Get started with Google AdSense Native Ads

Follow the below steps to implement the Native Ads on your website.

Step 1: Log in to your Google AdSense account.

Step 2: On the left side of your Google AdSense account, you can see the navigation panel. There click on the “My Ads” tab.
Step 3: There you can see the +New ad unit. Click on it.
click-on-new-ad-unitStep 3: There you can see all the Native ad categories with text and display ads. There you can select any category: In-article, In-feed or Matched content.
Step 4: Once you select any of the categories, you will be asked for a few more options to display the ads on your website.

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For Matched content: Once you have selected the Matched content category, you are asked to customize your ad by giving the size of the ad unit, Style of the Ad, color of the title and description, and Adoptions. Once you are done with your selection click on Save and get the code and place on your website to display it below the article.

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For In-Feed Ad Category: After selecting the In-Feed category, you will be having 4 options. They are above the image, Image on the side, Title above and Text only. Select any one of the options and again you will be having more options to customize it perfectly.

For In-Article Ad Category: Select the In-Article ad category and you are asked to customize the ad according to your website needs. Once you are done with your selection, click on save and get the code. Place that code on your website wherever you want to display the ad.
That is it! You are done with the creation and implementation. I must say that this is really an amazing update for all our Google AdSense publishers. We can now customize our Google AdSense ads with more number of options than before.

If you have any queries regarding the native ads update, let us know in the below comments. We will get back to you to solve all your queries as soon as possible.

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I hope this article helps you to increase your AdSense revenue than before. If you have implemented this on your website, share your views with our readers in the comment section below.

Which Ad category is the most successful on your Website?